New CloudMail mail service: Powerful email service powered by the impressive CrossBox collaboration suite. View Details


Implement your infrastructure on our powerful, and high-performance cloud platform, enjoying high reliability, security, and a set of enterprise-grade features.


All our servers come with a dedicated uplink link of 1 to 10 GB and include unlimited traffic with full Anycast support and extensive DDoS protection.

Our cloud platform offers a 99.95% SLA uptime guarantee with dual hardware and network redundancy to keep your services online.

All our data centers are Tier 3 and 4 certified, providing advanced fire and intrusion protection combined with enterprise-grade network hardware.

Ping my Website

Using this tool you can execute a ping (as you would from your PC's CMD) but in this case using our test IP. Verify which IP responds behind your domain or URL, what is its latency time, what is its "host" record and much more.